Only half of a scientist's job is complete when they finish a project. The other half is teaching people about it. Only through careful study can we learn from the mistakes of the past. DIGTECH is committed to relaying what we have learned through research to students, colleagues, and the public.

First one learns, then one does, then one teaches. The Trifecta of learning...

Field Archaeologist's Survival Guide: Getting a job and working in Cultural Resource Management

Chris Webster's handy, informative guide outlines what it takes to become an archaeological technician, a field worker in cultural resource management (CRM) archaeology. Based on his popular blog feature, the Shovelbum's Guide, Webster offers young archaeologists useful advice about CRM work, including writing, cooking in hotel rooms, hand-mapping, surviving unemployment, life after archaeology, and more. It provides tools new CRM archaeologists need to get hired and to live life on the road in a fluctuating job market, as well as details on how to succeed as a field archaeologist. Appendices cover sample job hunting documents and checklists for fieldwork. if you will be pursuing a position in this dynamic, challenging field, this book is a must-read both before you apply for that first job and once you get one.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Getting A Job
1. Education
2. The Curriculum Vitae And The Résumé
3. Cover Letter
4. Job Hunting
5. The Interview

Section 2: Shovelbumming
6. Essential Gear
7. Types Of Projects
8. Job Positions
9. Lodging
10. Hotels
11. Cooking On The Road
12. Camping

Section 3: Location, Location, Location
13. The Utm Grid
14. Township And Range
15. Smithsonian Trinomials
16. Mapping

Section 4: Good To Know
17. Dimensional Lumber
18. Munsell Book Of Color

Section 5: The End, For Now
19. Unemployment
20. Preparing For The Winter
21. Coming Back

Example CVs And Resumes
Cover Letters
Interview Questions
Dimensional Lumber
Fieldwork Checklist
Winter Checklist

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the field!


Chris Webster Productions on 1 Million Cups.

Click the image to hear Chris' interview on 12 Minute Convos with Engel Jones.

Click the image to hear Chris' interview on 12 Minute Convos with Engel Jones.


Chris is an archaeologist, author, podcaster, business owner, and archaeo-Futurist. His passion is on public education, outreach, and making commercial field archaeology more efficient - raising the quality of life for archaeological field technicians

Presenting the APN at 1 Million Cups

Paper given be Chris Webster at the Nevada Archaeological Association meetings in Ely, Nevada on April 22, 2016. Abstract: In 2015, DIGTECH surveyed 45,000 acres in desert and "Great Basin" like environments. We used Apple iPad Minis to record over 250 prehistoric and historic sites and over 1500 isolated finds.

It DOESN't Belong in a Museum.

Talk given at Ignite Reno 18

2014 Blogging Archaeology eBook

Welcome to the Blogging Archaeology eBook!

This book was written as a companion to the "Blogging Archaeology, Again" session at the 2014 Society for American Archaeology Meetings in Austin, Texas.

2014 Blogging Archaeology eBook (Click to Download)