#216 Cobra JumPack #CES2014

216 Jumpack.png

This is one amazing battery back and it’s something no field tech, and no field vehicle, should be without. Cobra is known for making car radar detectors, but, they have an electronics division that does so much more.

The Cobra JumPack is a small, hand-sized power pack. It sports a 7,500mAh (that means it can charge something for a really long time) battery, an LED flashlight, and surprisingly, it will jumpstart the battery in your car not once, but, several times. That is simply, amazing. On top of all that, the JumPack takes only a few hours to charge.

The JumPack will be available in April (just in time for my birthday!) for $129.95. I’ve owned similar power packs that I paid about $100 for. It’s worth the extra $30 for a flashlight and car jump starter.

Would you use this? Would you recommend your company buy them for the field vehicles? If you have a large, clunky, battery charger for jumpstarts in your field vehicle, would you switch to this? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the field!